Wednesday, October 31, 2007
City Streets
(in the oct hols 2007 for journalism hw)
Vehicle fumes bathe me as I walk the city streets.
The roars of blue and white paid concentration cells, and lorries carrying rough blocks of granite vibrate my stomach. Various pitches of horns intrude my ears. The bikes and autos, unpredictable as flying insects, irritate the voluminous cars.
On the road, there is spit of different colours, cow dung, unstable slabs and sudden holes.
The flyover has plastic tents under it. Dead bodies of the trees still lie beside the widening highway. The smell of the nearby market is a strong mix of flowers, open fruits, urine and smoke of cigarettes and vehicles.
Some men with drunken red eyes sing songs as they pass young girls. A conductor and driver refill their water bottles and empty their bladders. I look away. The cobbler’s children are playing broom cricket.
Men with dark shining skin catch bricks in time with rhythmic hammering. The women ignore the incessant motorized slicing of granite as they sieve sand and cement, and carry the mixture on their heads. They seem to grow shorter by the weight.
A group of boys in faded clothes boldly share a partially used beedi and walk past the disabled artist who draws the same picture with chalk on the quiet road every few months. The vegetable vendor’s bare soles are dirty and cracked. But his eyes are bright. His voice rings out loud and spirited.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I look for my reflection
I love my reflection.
It isn’t me but my only companion
Through life.
And sometimes it is me.
When we talk I wonder who’s speaking to who.
I cry unashamedly on to my reflection.
Because that’s the only direct truth.
Only me reflection knows me my way.
Only my reflection knows me at all inherently.
Others understand me, in their own ways
They just carry impressions, untruthful; coloured by their lives.
So I am a woman, an adult to them all
But to myself, I’m just me.
I don’t need them. But I forget it sometimes and get lonely.
All I need in my life is a mirror, my reflection
And my need to be understood by another
Is fulfilled
I suddenly realize I am a machine. I do the same things everyday. I’ve stopped feeling. I’ve stopped thinking.
I’m too busy with my life. I’ve grown far away from childhood. I’m passive. I’ve stopped caring…cold, inert, dead. I’m insensitive and superficial. Everything I thought I shouldn’t grow into. I’ve become that machine.
I can’t think further than logic. Logic isn’t enough. I run form introspection. I run. Rapidly run from being alone. I am afraid and now I know it.
I used to burn my blood for work, for the love and passion. Now I only burn to fool myself of love of work, for the rain, music and nature.
I am an adult. I am a machine. Monstrous. There is no love in me. I’m a danger to myself and to humanity and all of dear earth.
Let us love like children
In this moist breeze
That sways the branches
And trees
Let us become children
Again, my love, and play
In the rain.
Let us get soaked
Laugh and roll around
On the warm wet ground,
Let us throw handfuls of mud
And drop hail
Down each other’s clothes,
Let us tickle and giggle
And chase each other.
In innocence.
Let us love purely
And carefree
Bothers me.
Two spots on white
Could mean so much.
It could be doubt
Or fear or a response
That has no words,
He could love me
Life fire or be as
Indifferent as a stone.
He could be shocked
Or acknowledge that he
Expected it.
He could be patient
Or be asking for mine.
He could expect me
To continue.
It wasn’t whole,
Perhaps he isn’t.
It could’ve been
?, or !,
*, or yes,
Or and?, wait, or oh!
A mere gap between